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Dr. Joshua Tal, A Psychologist, Helps You De-stress Your Sleep Routine

While most sleep psychologists are familiar with how to refer patients for a study, not all know how to conduct one . Joshua Tal, a New York City sleep specialist, is your guide. He is a licensed psychologist and former sleep lab technician, which gives him a unique perspective on the quest for quality shuteye.

As Dr. Tal talks about sleep, I’m here to chat with you.

What made you interested in sleep science research?

When I was in college, my parents started a sleep laboratory. I was their first technician. I was fascinated by the biological processes that lead to sleep and its many advantages. I realized that while the majority of sleep medicine focused on issues related to sleep, there was another component to getting good sleep. Because of my sleep research at Stanford University, and the insomnia treatment training I received through Veterans Hospitals I was able to become a sleep psychologist and address both sleep and mental health issues.

Dr. Joshua Tal

What does your work tell you about sleep?

Bad sleep habits can lead to poor concentration, memory, mood, or physical health. When working with clients on matters such as insomnia, life transitions, and addiction, it is important to discuss sleep. I have always believed that improved sleep habits lead to better functioning in all areas of our lives. In my private practice, this has been proven to be true.

What are your thoughts on the most recent breakthroughs in understanding sleep?

Popularity of sleep as a goal for health and well-being. This is huge when it comes down to de-stigmatizing sleeping disorders. As well as thoughts and beliefs about sleeping, the tone is changing. We are beginning to see the connection between sleep and better mental health.

The discussion of sleep is making it easier to find alternative paths to wellness such as exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and meditation.

People often think of sleep as a physiological process and not a psychological one. How can a psychiatrist or psychologist treat sleep disorders like a neurologist, or another specialist in the field?

Some sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea or narcolepsy, are primarily physical. Even though an insomnia disorder may be caused by physical factors, it is often maintained by psychological and behavioral factors like how we think and act about sleep. Mental health can be assessed by psychiatrists and psychologists from many perspectives. These include triggers, life stressors as well as environmental factors. Side effects of medications or mental health diagnoses. It is important to get to know each person and rule out any other mental or sleep disorders. Mental health training prepares you to examine the many factors that affect sleep and offer cutting-edge, evidence-based treatments.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the primary treatments for sleep specialists. This treatment is effective for other sleep disorders than insomnia.

CBT can be used to treat anxiety and depression, as well as anxiety and depression related to sleep disorders. You can also use image rehearsal therapy to treat chronic nightmares and compliance with sleep apnea treatments. It is important to have a medical problem such as sleep apnea diagnosed and treated in a sleep lab.

What would you like to know about sleep?

My first message to my clients is this: the more you worry about sleeping, the less likely you are to sleep. It is important to address sleep problems while still maintaining your sanity. When you are tired, think about what the worst thing that could happen tomorrow. I’ve managed to get through a bad night before. I can do it again. You will get better sleep if you don’t worry as much.

We are grateful to Dr. Joshua Tal, for speaking with Sleepopolis. His website and Instagram provide more information about Dr. Tal’s practice.