Accueil Matelas Éducation Insomnia. The Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Insomnia. The Symptoms, Causes And Treatments

Insomnia. Most people have experienced insomnia at one point or another. Sometimes, we may experience insomnia for a few days or longer. Although the symptoms might seem quite simple,Insomnia is a complicated condition that can have many causes..

Insomnia is a very common condition. Thirty-four percent to forty percent of Americans have experienced insomnia symptoms in the last year. Ten to fifteen percent are suffering from chronic insomnia.

Insomnia, also known as sleep disorder, is defined as inability to fall asleep or stay asleep.It could be transient, acute, or chronic. It can be temporary, acute, chronic, or both. It is the most common type of sleep disorder and affects as many as half of the world’s population.

Insomnia is characterized by its interference with daytime functioning.. This may manifest as fatigue, trouble concentrating or memory lapses. Along with impulsiveness and depression, microsleep episodes can occur.

Notice: While the content of Sleepopolis can be considered informative, it should not replace professional medical advice. You should consult your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect you might have a sleep disorder or other medical condition.

Insomnia Symptoms

Insomnia is characterized by the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep or go back to sleep.Many insomniacs suffer from a variety of cognitive and physical effects. However, they are not the primary symptoms and can be shared with those who suffer from sleep deprivation or other sleep disorders. However, insomnia can have a variety of side effects.

  • Feeling tired/groggy when you wake up
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Depression or anxiety
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Concentration is difficult
  • Retention problems with new information
  • Reduction in coordination
  • An increase in errors and accidents on the job or at home
  • Performance at work has been reduced
  • Social activities are difficult to engage in

People with insomnia may also experience poor decision-making, difficulties in relationships, and a reduced quality of their lives. They may use sleeping pills or other supplements to help them fall asleep or stay asleep.A temporary bout of insomnia can lead to sleep-related anxiety. This could become a chronic problem..

The symptoms of insomnia can vary from mild to severe and can fluctuate over time. Sometimes symptoms can improve at different times in life, and then recur.

Insomnia Facts: A person who sleeps less that the average of seven to nine hours per night, but doesn’t suffer from insomnia, is known as a short sleeper. Short sleepers are able to feel more refreshed if they get less sleep than the average person, which is often five hours or less.

Insomnia Vs. Sleep Deprivation – What’s The Difference?

They can be confused because insomnia and sleep deprivation have some cognitive and physical effects. Both can cause fatigue and trouble concentrating but they are not the exact same.A person who is willing to sleep without any support or assistance. Insomnia refers to the inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or return to sleep..

One can experience sleep deprivation when studying, traveling, or caring for a sick child.The person who is sleeping-deprived can sleep if given the chance. However, a person with insomnia can’t sleep, even if they are allowed to.Insomnia is a concern about sleepQualityWhile sleep deprivation is about sleep,Quantity.

While insomnia and sleep deprivation might have important differences, the symptoms are not the same. It’s not exactly. Not exactly. Sleep deprivation can lead to daytime sleepiness, poor concentration, memory issues, and diminished emotional control.While some studies have shown similar results in insomnia sufferers, there are important distinctions..

In some cases of chronic insomnia, hyperarousal of your sympathetic nervous system might be involved. This may prevent sleep or a feeling of sleepiness at nights. Hyperarousal can also prevent insomnia sufferers experiencing the same symptoms as those suffering from sleep deprivation, such as cognitive impairments and daytime sleepiness.

This could indicate that current testing methods don’t adequately demonstrate the cognitive and physical effects of chronic insomnia. Or it could be that although insomniacs are affected similarly by lack of sleep, hyperarousal in their nervous systems overrides this impairment, making them feel more alert.

The ability of insomnia sufferers to fall asleep quickly is another difference.. Chronic insomniacs, even when they aren’t getting enough sleep, tend to fall asleep faster than those who get less sleep and wake up earlier. They also have more difficulty staying asleep.

Insomnia Symptoms & Their Causes

Insomnia was used to be classified into two types: primary and secondary. Primary was considered to be insomnia that had no apparent cause. Secondary was believed to be due to a medical condition, mood disorder or medication. Recent research has shown that almost all cases of insomnia can be attributed to one of these categories.

While insomnia symptoms are more common than insomnia disorder, they are less common.. Many people experience insomnia at some point in their lives. It could be caused by:

  • Stress
  • Depression and mood disorders
  • Trauma or grief
  • Illness
  • Chronic pain
  • Sleep disorders like sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome are known as sleep disorders.
  • Medication, particularly those that have a stimulant effect such as ADHD treatment and decongestants
  • Alcohol
  • Jet lag and daylight saving time

Although symptoms of insomnia can be temporary, they are often self-explanatory.When a stressor is gone, an illness can be treated or the normal sleep schedule resumed. Although treatment is not usually necessary, anxiety and other negative symptoms can persist. This may lead to wakefulness at night or the development of insomnia disorder.

Insomnia Disorder And Its Causes

Insomnia disorder can be more than just symptoms. Chronic insomnia is a condition that causes insomnia for at least three nights per week, and can last up to three months. About 10% of Americans suffer from insomnia disorder.

It may seem contradictory,Sleeping time is not the only factor that causes insomnia.. Insomnia is a condition that causes inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, and then fall back to sleep.

Insomnia is often caused by a negative conditioned response or environment to sleep.It may also be caused by neurological problems such as head injuries. It may also be caused by neurological problems such as head injuries.

Hyperarousal may be caused by a negative conditioned response to sleeping. This can lead to an increase in heart rate, cortisol secretion and metabolic rate during sleep and wake hours. Study of identical twins supports the idea that chronic insomnia may be caused by hyperarousal.

Additionally,There may be fundamental differences between insomniacs and those who sleep well.. These variations could also be a sign of hyperarousal in chronic insomnia sufferers.

Although symptoms of insomnia can be caused by many factors, such as stress at work or alcohol consumption, they are generally not the root cause.Insomnia is a chronic disorder that can be difficult to treat..

Insomnia Symptoms In Women: Causes

Women may experience sleep problems due to hormonal changes, menopause, or pregnancy.. As they age, women are more likely to experience insomnia symptoms. Studies that show sleep patterns changing between girls and boys starting in puberty support this theory.

Insomnia symptoms can be more severe in women than in men.Some autoimmune diseases, migraines, pelvic pain, and other conditions can also affect them. They are at greater risk for osteoporosis which can lead to joint and spine pain, and make it difficult to sleep.

Women are also more likely to have to care for elderly relatives and be single parents. These stressors can lead to insomnia symptoms and shorter sleep hours.

How Can Insomnia Be Diagnosed?

A simple self-reporting by the patient of their symptoms can often diagnose insomnia.People who have sleep studies done are often less sleepy than those in their normal environment. These studies are not useful for diagnosing insomnia disorders..

A doctor may also need to know about your symptoms.

  • Ask about your sleeping habits and social environment
  • To track your sleep patterns, and to identify possible causes of your insomnia, it is recommended that you keep a sleeping diary
  • To better understand your sleeping habits, ask that you complete one or more insomnia tests. These could include questionnaires like the Insomnia Severity Indicator or a mental health exam.

Insomnia Facts: Only humans are able to delay sleeping.

Insomnia: Three Subtypes, Three Stages

You can further break down a diagnosis of insomnia into sub-types or stages.The duration of the condition is what distinguishes the three main types of insomnia.. Although the symptoms may be similar, treatment and prognosis can vary depending on final diagnosis.

The Three Major Sub-Types Of Insomnia

1.Transient insomnia symptoms. It can last from a few days up to several months and it can be intermittent or continuous.Anxiety that can accompany temporary insomnia symptoms can lead to chronic insomnia.These symptoms may be caused by: These symptoms could be caused by:

  • A stressful emotional event such as a loss, new job, move or birth
  • Poor sleep hygiene is a major cause of insomnia. Transient insomnia is often caused by poor sleep hygiene.
  • Circadian rhythm disturbances, such as jetlag or a change in work schedule, can cause disruptions.
  • You may need to adjust to a new environment such as a hotel, new bed or unfamiliar house.
  • Adjustment to a higher elevation

2.Acute Insomnia Symptoms.

A persistent state of sleeplessness for more than three months. Acute insomnia can be transient or permanent, just like transient sleeplessness. These are some common triggers:

  • Emotional conflict and difficulty
  • Shift work
  • A death or trauma
  • Pain or illness such as insomnia, sleep apnea or asthma, acid reflux disease, diabetes, or other conditions
  • Stressful life events such as a move or divorce can cause disruptions in your life.

3.Chronic insomnia, also known as Insomnia Disorder, is a form of chronic insomnia.. Persistent insomnia symptoms for more than three months. Although there are many causes for insomnia symptoms, most people only have one cause of insomnia disorder. Insomnia disorder is usually caused by:

  • Bedtime is a conditioned response. It refers to the attempt to fall asleep, or the environment in which you sleep. This response may include hyperarousal of your sympathetic nervous system. This type of conditioning is responsible for the majority of insomnia disorders.
  • Other medical conditions and head injuries. These are the causes of a small percentage of insomnia disorders.

The Three Stages Of Insomnia

It is possible to experience insomnia at different times of the night. It can happen at night’s beginning, in the middle of the night or in the early morning. The trigger may be different depending on the time it occurs. A person suffering from insomnia may experience one or more of these stages. It may occur every night or just occasionally. These are the three stages:

1.Onset Insomnia. Insomnia is the inability or inability to fall asleep for longer than 30 minutes after getting up. This type of insomnia is frequently associated with a negative conditioned response to bed and elevated levels of anxiety.

2.Also known as Sleep Maintenance Insomnia or Middle Insomnia. This type of insomnia can be described as waking up during the night and spending extended periods awake. This type of insomnia could be caused by illness, another sleep disorder such as nightmare disorders, chronic pain, or other causes.

Consuming alcohol is another common cause of insomnia in the middle. Although alcohol can make it easier to fall asleep, it can also cause you to wake up during the night after the central nervous system effects wear off.

3.LateInsomnia. Late insomnia is characterized by waking up too early in the morning. This can happen as the sleep patterns of older people change. This is also common in mood disorders such as depression. Anxiety and stress can cause an internal alarm system that causes a consistent, early-morning awakening.

Treatments for insomnia can be tailored to the specific sub-type or stage of a patient’s sleep disorder.. People who are grieving may experience transient insomnia and wake up early in the morning. Those with chronic pain, on the other hand, may be awake all night or unable to fall asleep during the night. Some sufferers may find psychotherapy helpful, while others might benefit from cognitive behavior therapy and a reduction in time spent in bed.

What Can Narcolepsy Do To Insomnia?

One of the most well-known forms of hypersomnia is Narcolepsy. This is a condition that causes sleep problems such as excessive sleepiness at night and unusual sleepiness during the day. Narcolepsy is thought to be an autoimmune disorder that’s usually caused by a viral infection, often in childhood or adolescence.

Narcolepsy symptoms include sleeping for up to 16 hours a day, needing to take naps, feeling tired after a long night sleep, grogginess and muscle weakness.

Although it may seem impossible to have narcolepsy and insomnia symptoms together, they often co-exist.. Narcolepsy can cause excessive daytime sleepiness as well as interrupted sleep cycles and sleep disruptions. Parasomnias, such as sleep paralysis or hallucinations, can disrupt restorative sleep.

People with Narcolepsy may experience overwhelming exhaustion during their day but not be able to fall asleep at night or wake up feeling exhausted.This is a common problem. This is often due to disrupted nighttime sleeping, or DNS.

DNS is different from traditional insomnia in that patients with narcolepsy don’t usually have trouble falling asleep. However, they often experience disturbed sleep and middle insomnia along with other symptoms typical of narcolepsy. DNS may be a part of the constellation that is associated with narcolepsy. This can lead to poor sleep, despite the fact that sufferers spend a lot of time in bed.

Insomnia And Its Health Consequences

Although occasional insomnia symptoms can be hard to avoid,Chronic insomnia, which lasts longer than a few weeks, can have serious consequences for your health..

Insomnia can lead to sleep debt over time, which can cause disruptions in metabolism, mood, glucose tolerance, and other aspects of the body.

These are some of the possible health effects of insomnia:

  • Inhibited immune function
  • An increase in the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and other conditions
  • Increasing risk of mood disorders like anxiety and depression
  • Concentration is difficult
  • Retention of new information is difficult
  • Impairment in judgment, reasoning, or problem-solving ability
  • Performance problems at school or work
  • Impaired reaction times partly responsible for an increased risk of accidents and errors.
  • A diminished sex drive and decreased fertility
  • Increased signs of aging, particularly in the skin
  • Higher risk of weight gain
  • Life expectancy has fallen

Although chronic insomnia sufferers may experience hyperarousal of their central nervous system, it can help them overcome some cognitive and physical effects. However, at least 40% of those suffering from insomnia long-term report experiencing some symptoms.

Insomnias And Depression: Anxiety And Depression.

A leading cause of insomnia is anxiety and psychiatric disorders.Many mood disorders can cause inability to fall asleep.This includes:

  • Depression. Depression may begin with difficulty sleeping. Evidence suggests that depression symptoms are often triggered by acute insomnia.
  • Schizophrenia
  • Social phobia
  • There are two phases to bipolar disorder: the manic and depressive. Manic episodes can be triggered by lack of sleep due jetlag or other causes.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder. Post-traumatic stress disorder is known for disrupted sleep and nightmares. Paranoia, fear, hypervigilance and paranoia can make sleeping difficult or impossible. Flashbacks and hallucinations can cause insomnia, as well as flashbacks. Patients with PTSD may be awakened from their sleep by movements like punching or kicking.

Insomnia can also be caused by medications that treat psychiatric disorders.. Psychotropic medication may cause sleep disruption by their stimulating effects. Antidepressants, other medications used to treat mood disorders, may trigger or exacerbate restless leg syndrome or periodic limb movements.

Which Came First, The Mood Disorders Or Insomnia Symptoms.

Once, it was believed that insomnia symptoms were caused by psychiatric disorders or depression. The evidence is not so clear.Not only are sleep problems caused by emotional disturbances but they can also increase the risk of suffering..

A review of large studies found that people who had insomnia symptoms were twice as likely as those without to be diagnosed as having depression.

Why? Although the relationship between mood disorders (and insomnia) isn’t completely clear, it is well-known.Sleep disturbances can affect hormones and neurotransmitters.. Sleep is a restorative activity that helps reduce stress levels in the body. Cortisol, also known as stress hormone, may also play a part.

People with insomnia symptoms may be more likely to experience physiological stress and lack of sleep. It is important to seek treatment for chronic insomnia and other sleep disorders as soon as possible, especially if there are any family histories of psychiatric disorders.

Insomnia Facts: Many insomniacs have somniphobia, a fear of sleeping. The symptoms include anxiety, panic attacks, shortness of breath, fear of falling asleep, and extreme dread about going to bed.

The Insomnia Myths Vs. Reality

Myth: Insomnia Is Only For Anxious People

Realism: There are many reasons insomnia symptoms can occur. Although anxiety is a common cause of insomnia, it’s only one factor that can trigger this condition.

Myth: Insomnia Can Be Defined As The Inability To Fall Asleep.

Myth Insomnia can be defined as the inability to fall asleep

Reality: Insomnia can be defined as the inability or unwillingness to fall asleep. It could also manifest as waking up frequently during the night, feeling tired during the day, or waking up early. If someone can’t fall asleep quickly, can’t stay asleep, wakes too early or has poor quality sleep, they may still be considered to have insomnia.

Myth: You Should Lie Down Until You Fall Asleep If You Are Unable To Fall Asleep.

Reality: If you are unable to sleep, staying in bed may indicate that your sleeping environment is where your brain is awake. This can also increase anxiety and make it more difficult to fall asleep again. Experts agree that you should not fall asleep within 20 to 30 minutes after waking up. It is best to get out of bed to do something relaxing, such as reading or listening to soothing music.

Myth: Television And Alcohol Can Be Used To Treat Insomnia Symptoms

Myth Television and alcohol can be used to treat insomnia symptoms

Realism: It has been shown that alcohol can impair sleep quality, and increase the likelihood of waking up during the night. Television, especially the news, can make relaxation difficult and stressful. The blue light emitted by TVs, smartphones and computers is well-known for disrupting sleep-wake cycles.

Myth: It Doesn’t Matter If You Wake Up For Short Periods Of Time During The Night. This Won’t Affect Your Quality Of Sleep.

Reality: While a brief interruption to your sleep may seem insignificant, waking up during the night for more than a few minutes can result in a loss of sleep. Studies show that interrupted sleep can be just as harmful as inadequate sleep.

Insomnia Fact: On average, parents lose 44 days of sleep within the first year following the birth of a baby

How To Cure Insomnia

It may not be as easy as counting sheep or taking a pill to cure insomnia.Effective treatments exist. There are many remedies for insomnia symptoms that differ from those for sleep disorder.The following are possible treatments for short-term or mild insomnia symptoms:

  • If you suffer from insomnia due to a medical condition, it is important to address the root cause. If you have asthma symptoms and are experiencing trouble sleeping, an effective treatment plan for asthma may be able to reduce or eliminate your insomnia.
  • Lifestyle changes. High-quality sleep can be achieved by changing your lifestyle.
  • Sunlight exposure

A good amount of daylight exposure, especially in the mornings, is important to maintain your body’s natural circadian rhythms. These rhythms are responsible for maintaining a consistent sleeping-wake cycle.

  • Psychotherapy can be used to help insomnia sufferers deal with anxiety and other thoughts that may make sleeping more difficult. Negative thoughts and habits can be a short-cut to sleep problems and help you relax.
  • Supplements and medications. You may be prescribed short-term prescription sleeping pills, or other sleep aids such as melatonin or antihistamines by your doctor.
  • How To Stop Chronic Insomnia

    Although it might contradict many of the things we’ve heard about treating chronic insomnia, good sleep hygiene is not always an effective treatment.

    While good sleep hygiene can reduce persistent insomnia problems, it is not the first-line treatment.

    What is help? It is paradoxical thatReduced sleep time is one of the best treatments for chronic insomnia.. This type of treatment isPart of the Cognitive Behavior Therapy protocolFor chronic insomnia This protocol includes:

    1.Restriction on sleeping. To sleep restriction, you must limit the amount of time you spend in bed and the hours that you are usually asleep.If you spend eight hours in bed, but sleep for only two hours, then you might need to use sleep restriction therapy. This could mean that you go to bed at midnight, get up at 6 AM, and you will be able to rest.. This type of treatment is more beneficial than going to bed earlier.

    Although it can seem to make insomnia worse, sleep restriction therapy improves sleep efficiency and reduces the number of waking hours during the night.. Training a person to sleep well for at least six hours without awakening may allow them to add 15-minute blocks of time to their bedtime, gradually increasing until they feel rested throughout the day.

    2.Training in stimulation control.This will help chronic insomnia sufferers to reduce negative associations with their bedroom environment and sleep. These are the essential training elements:

    • Only lie down in bed when you are tired
    • Use the bed for only sleep and sex
    • If you are unable to fall asleep after 20 minutes, get up and go back to bed when you feel sleepy. Repeat if necessary
    • Every morning, getting up at the same time
    • Not to be missed: naps

    This therapy protocol is designed to train the brain how to associate certain environments and times of the night with sleep.Break the cycle of sleep disorder that results in poor quality, delayed or fragmented sleep.

    3.Relaxation training.This training helps insomnia sufferers use guided imagery, meditation techniques, and breathing exercises to prepare their bodies for sleep.

    Biofeedback helps patients control their body’s involuntary bodily functions, such as heart rate and blood pressure.
    Combining these techniques can help you relax your body and calm your mind so that it is easier to fall asleep.

    4.Psychotherapy. This protocol addresses negative beliefs regarding sleep and replaces them with positive thinking. The evening and before bed can be used to relax, so worry may be reduced to a specific time of the day. Cognitive behavior therapy helps insomnia patients manage stress and reduce their tendency to overthink. This can lead to problems sleeping.

    Sleep Hygiene – A Good Start For Mild Insomnia

    Although it is not recommended for chronic insomnia, good sleep hygiene can help with milder and more persistent symptoms.

    These are some of the best sleep hygiene tips:

    • A regular sleep-wake routine
    • Use the bed for sleep only and sex
    • Avoid blue light exposure from smart phones and electronics in the hours before bed
    • Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark and quiet
    • Make sure you invest in comfortable bedding and a mattress.

    Although insomnia is common, it does not have to be a chronic condition.. It is possible to get back to restorative sleep by addressing the problem quickly, treating the underlying conditions and practicing healthy sleep-promoting habits.

    Refer To

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    5. Mahesh M. Thakkar, Alcohol Disrupts Sleep Homeostasis. June 1, 21015. PubMed Central
    6. Sleep Patterns and Insomnia among Adolescents: A Population-Based Study, Mari Hysing, and Stale Pallesen. Marc 8, 2013, European Sleep Research Society
    7. Sharon Schutte Rodin, M.D.

    Lauren Broch, Ph.D. Clinical Guideline for Adults with Chronic Insomnia
    Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine Research & Review Articles In Sleep MedicineJuly 2008

  • Jason G. Ellis, Acute Insomnia: Current Conceptualizations & Future Directions, February 16, 2012. Sleep Medicine Reviews
  • S. Saddichha. Diagnosis and Treatment for Chronic Insomnia. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology June 13, 2010.
  • Thomas Roth, Disrupted Nighttime Sleep In Narcolepsy, September 9, 2013, Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine
  • D. Neckelmann. Chronic insomnia as a risk factor for developing anxiety and depression, July 30, 2007, PubMed Central
  • L. Li, C. Wu and Insomnia: A Meta-analysis Prospective Cohort Study. November 6, 2016 PubMedCentral
  • Julio Mendoza: Insomnia and Its Effects on Physical and Mental Health. Current Psychiatry. December 15, 2013, PubMed Central
  • West KE et al. Blue light from light-emitting diodes causes a dose-dependent suppression of melatonin in humans, PubMed, National Center for Biotechnology Information
  • Goran Medic. Short-term and long-term health consequences of sleep disruption, May 19, 2017. Nature and Science of Sleep