Accueil Matelas Éducation Study Shows That This Behavior At Work Can Disrupt Your Sleep.

Study Shows That This Behavior At Work Can Disrupt Your Sleep.

A new study has shown that workplace rudeness can have a negative impact on your sleep and, in some cases, even your partner’s sleep.

Researchers from Portland State University and University of Illinois wanted to find out how workplace incivility (including rudeness and interrupting people in meetings) can affect employees’ slumber.

The scientists conducted a survey of 305 couples who work at least 20 hours per week to find out the truth. The questionnaire asked questions about the past 30 days in the office. It also asked about sleep hygiene and stress. Other variables were controlled by researchers to ensure that sleep quality was not affected by incivility.

These are the results The results? These symptoms included difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently during the night.Their partners also fell asleep poorly, but only under certain conditions. Sleepopolis was told by Prof. Charlotte Fritz, the study author:

Although we expected that all spouses would be affected by their partner’s ranting about workplace incivility at work, this was only true when the partners were in the same job or company.

Keep Calm And Be Kind

We often blame stress at work for our poor sleep quality.This research suggests that our Zzzs could be affected by the small, more ambiguous moments in the office.

The study also reinforces the interesting idea that bringing work home can have a positive impact on other areas of your life. It is impossible to control others’ actions, but we can focus on our reactions to unkindness.

Fritz suggests that employees take a break from work and mentally disconnect, especially after a bad day at work. You can do this by engaging in hobbies, talking with your family, or meditation. She reminded me, and us all, that it is best to prevent workplace incivility from ever happening.

She writes that there are so many negative consequences for employees. Organizations need to be more aware of the negative consequences of workplace incivility, and thrive to foster a culture of civility and support.