Accueil Matelas Éducation New Research Shows That Better Sleep Can Make You A Better Parent.

New Research Shows That Better Sleep Can Make You A Better Parent.

It is vital that your children get enough sleep. But new research has shown that parents who have poor sleep habits can make it difficult for their kids to grow and develop.

Parents know that it is difficult to prioritize sleep when your kids are dependent on you for everything.

Kelly Tu, a researcher in human development and family studies at the University of Illinois, led a study that examined the nature of maternal sleep and permissive parental behavior.They found that mothers who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have poor sleep habits than those who do.They are less likely than their children to adhere to consistent guidelines. Tu explains:

It was found that mothers who were not getting enough sleep or had poor quality sleep had an impact on their permissiveness towards their children. This could be because they are more irritable or have impaired attention. Or they may just be less consistent with their parenting. On the positive side, mothers who get enough sleep are more likely to be open with their children.

Notice:Sleepopolis’ information is intended to be informative, but not as a substitute for professional medical advice. You or your child might be suffering from a sleep disorder or other medical condition. Please consult a healthcare provider.


It is important to ensure your children have a good sleep schedule. However, if you don’t prioritize your own sleep, your children could suffer from poor parenting.YouGood rest is essential. Parents who are well rested will be more able to manage a good bedtime for their children. This is how you can help your children sleep better.The sleep hygiene of parents and children is directly linked to their sleep habits.

Even though it can seem like a burden, getting enough sleep is often a necessary part of life. However, research shows that children will adopt the lifestyles of their parents. Your children will learn from you how to live a healthy lifestyle.

It’s never too late for you to make positive changes in your sleep habits if your well-being is at stake. You can reduce the amount of technology you use before bed or try some sleep remedies to help you get better rest.